4.2 Strategic points of leverage and projects

1. Maintain market leadership in Europe and further expand service offerings

The KION Group intends to consolidate its market leadership in Europe, which it has achieved through its strong brands, products based on market-leading technologies and a continually expanding range of services.

The KION Group is a technology and innovation leader and concentrates on further extending its competitive edge. Its products enable customers to become more efficient in terms of consumption, performance and ergonomics. Linde has maintained an outstanding position for the past 50 years, offering economical, efficient and low-maintenance hydrostatic drives. Its Linde Hydraulics business continually pushes ahead with new developments in an important technological field. STILL is strongly placed in the high-potential market for hybrid drives with its drive system that combines a diesel engine with an electric motor – a unique concept in the sector. The company already has the most economical truck in the sector: the RX 70 Hybrid. These two major brands are positioning themselves with dedicated concepts that enable them to benefit from the long-term trend for 'green' logistics, such as fuel cell drive systems and lithium ion technology, as well as for more ergonomic trucks. In 2010, the KION Group ploughed 2.9 per cent of its total revenue – or 5.5 per cent of its revenue from new trucks and hydraulics – into research and development. This substantial proportion puts the KION Group in a leading position in its sector, although there is still potential to expand its technological edge and translate the progress that it has made into efficiency gains for customers.

The KION Group continually aligns the broad range of products and services offered by its brands with customer needs. The portfolio consists of far more than the new truck business - the KION Group offers all the solutions and services that customers require for their internal material flow. This includes delivering customised and fleet-based solutions as well as providing customers with a comprehensive package of highly effective material flow management services and the necessary accompanying IT systems. Accounting for 46 per cent of total revenue in 2010, services make a considerable contribution to the KION Group's product range. With a fleet of over one million trucks in use worldwide, the KION Group has a broad and lucrative platform for its service business, which proved to be more stable than the new truck business during the crisis. It will continue to expand its service offering and further increase service coverage for its active fleet. More than half of the KION Group's 19,968 employees work in service or sales. Service is a key factor in long-term customer retention.

2. Tap full market potential in growth regions

3. Further improve market penetration through multi-brand strategy

4. Cost leadership through synergies and operational excellence

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