Risk report

Principles of risk management

KION encounters business risks that may jeopardise its business objectives. Risk management, like opportunity management, therefore forms an integral part of the Company's day-to-day management. To ensure that the risk management systems are fully integrated into KION's overall financial planning and reporting process, they are located in the Group Accounting & Finance function.

The procedures governing the KION Group's risk management activities are laid down in internal risk guidelines. For certain types of risk, such as financial risk or risks arising from financial services, the relevant departments also have guidelines that are specifically geared to these matters and describe how to deal with inherent risks. Risk management is organised in such a way that it directly reflects the structure of the Group itself. Consequently, risk officers supported by risk managers have been appointed for each company and each division. A central Group risk manager is responsible for the implementation of risk management processes in line with procedures throughout the Group. His or her remit includes the definition and implementation of standards to ensure that risks are uniformly captured and evaluated.

The risk management process is organised on a decentralised basis. Firstly, a group-wide risk catalogue is used to capture the risks attaching to each company. Each risk must be captured individually. If the losses caused by a specific risk or the likelihood of this risk occurring exceed a defined limit, the KION Group's Executive Board and its Accounting & Finance function are notified immediately. Each risk is documented in a specially developed module within the internet-based reporting system used for the entire planning and reporting process.

The risks reported by the individual companies are combined to form divisional risk reports as part of a rigorous reporting process. To this end, minuted risk management meetings are held once a quarter. Moreover, material risks are discussed at the quarterly business review meetings. The divisional risk reports are then used to compile an overall risk portfolio for the KION Group as a whole. To support this, additional meetings are held each quarter with relevant departments of the holding company in order to identify and assess risk, above all Company-wide, cross-brand risk affecting areas such as treasury, purchasing, tax, human resources and financial services. The Executive Board of KION GROUP GmbH and the Supervisory Board's audit committee are informed of the Group's risk position at least once a quarter.

Material features of the internal control and risk management system pertaining to the (Group) accounting process

Market risks

Competition risks

Research and development risks

Strategic risks

Procurement and sales risks

Production risks

IT risks

Financial risks

Accounting risks arising from goodwill and the brands

Risks from financial services

Human resources risks

Legal risks

External risks

Aggregate risk

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