Consolidated statement of cash flows | ||
€ thousand |
2012 |
2011 |
Net income (loss) |
161,088 |
-92,926 |
+ income taxes |
149,540 |
34,041 |
+ financial result |
239,485 |
272,045 |
= Earnings before interest and taxes |
550,113 |
213,160 |
Amortisation, depreciation and impairment charges of non-current assets (excl. leased assets and rental assets) |
184,042 |
192,068 |
Depreciation/Impairment of leased assets and rental assets |
181,227 |
163,953 |
Other non-cash income (-) and expenses (+) |
-142,530 |
9,943 |
Gains (-) / losses (+) on disposal of non-current assets |
-103,814 |
6,428 |
Change in leased assets and rental assets |
-245,764 |
-208,691 |
Change in lease receivables, lease liabilities and liabilities from finance leases |
24,592 |
26,056 |
Change in inventories |
20,513 |
-75,242 |
Change in trade receivables |
56,850 |
-36,829 |
Change in trade payables |
-3,928 |
114,886 |
Cash payments for defined benefit obligations |
-23,311 |
-21,038 |
Change in other provisions |
-39,884 |
13,989 |
Change in other operating assets |
-26,686 |
334 |
Change in other operating liabilities |
37,020 |
30,346 |
Taxes paid |
-54,432 |
-42,553 |
= Cash flow from operating activities |
414,008 |
386,810 |
Cash receipts from disposal of non-current assets |
7,353 |
3,408 |
Cash payments for purchase of non-current assets |
-155,101 |
-133,005 |
Deposits from other loan claims |
-5,510 |
2,879 |
Dividends received |
5,317 |
6,599 |
Interest income received |
4,488 |
3,397 |
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired |
-9,703 |
-32,916 |
Cash proceeds from sale of entities (excl. cash and cash equivalents) |
259,746 |
0 |
Cash payments (-) for sundry assets |
-2,538 |
-2,942 |
= Cash flow from investing activities |
104,052 |
-152,580 |
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests |
-2,405 |
-2,209 |
Cash paid for increased ownership interests (after control) |
-10,373 |
-1,461 |
Cash proceeds from sale of ownership interests (after control) |
138 |
82 |
Contributions for carrying out the approved capital increase |
467,000 |
0 |
Proceeds from borrowings |
7,676 |
632,691 |
Loan financing costs paid |
-14,549 |
-24,579 |
Transactions costs for carrying out the approved capital increase |
-1,095 |
0 |
Repayment of borrowings |
-664,577 |
-537,018 |
Proceeds (+) / Repayment (-) of other capital borrowings |
-2,723 |
-21,052 |
Cash receipts (+) / cash payments (-) for forward foreign exchange hedging contracts |
20,490 |
-13,714 |
Interest paid |
-129,712 |
-147,455 |
= Cash flow from financing activities |
-330,130 |
-114,715 |
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
976 |
1,052 |
= Change in cash and cash equivalents |
188,906 |
120,567 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
373,451 |
252,884 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
562,357 |
373,451 |