Executive Board statements
Sustainability is multifaceted – like the views of the KION Group Executive Board on the topic. Nevertheless, one common understanding is shared above all: taking a sustainable approach and economic success go hand-in-hand, as they are two sides of the same coin.

Gordon Riske Chairman of the Executive BoardKION is leading the way – also in terms of sustainable business practices. Sustainability is another area in which it strives to attain a leading position within its industry, and is something it is pursuing with the same resoluteness and consistency as it pursues its growth targets. The Group’s sustainability strategy, which it produced in 2016, is a key milestone in this respect – and anyone can monitor the Company’s achievement of objectives through its regular reporting.

Ching Pong Quek Asia Pacific Executive BoardTaking a sustainable approach in the interests of people brings long-term success, in the Asia Pacific region as well as on a global scale. This is what we strive for at the KION Group. Through responsible, transparent business practices and by playing an active role in society we are establishing an important pillar for its success as a company – while at the same time also contributing to ensure we all have a brighter future.

Dr. Eike Böhm Chief Technology OfficerThe KION Group and its brands are a byword for innovative and reliable products, and for efficiency and safety at the highest technical level. Sustainability has always been an integral part of our commitment to deliver what we promise – this is and will continue to be reflected in our products. As our customers know: we deliver what we promise.

Dr. Thomas Toepfer CFOTaking a sustainable approach also improves cost structures, prevents risks and offers numerous competitive opportunities – so it comes as no surprise that an ever-increasing number of financial analysts and investors are also taking sustainability aspects into account. In doing so, they not only assess the quality of an investment, but also the future viability of a company. In our Sustainability steering committee, we put these Group activities on the right track and in doing so shape our future. We take responsibility – both in terms of the aims we set ourselves and in the interests of our customers, employees and shareholders. Measurability and transparent reporting are key success factors in this regard. After all, only clearly defined targets and KPIs will steer the Company’s activities in the desired direction. This report shows that we are on the right track!