Integrity, one of the KION Group’s four core values, also stands for the high regard in which the Company holds compliance with laws, guidelines and voluntary codices. This is why KION GROUP AG and its Group companies worldwide employ a comprehensive compliance management system that centres on the KION Group Code of Compliance.
The compliance guidelines are transparent and available to all employees both at Group level and in the individual operating units. The management of the KION Group constantly ensures that these compliance principles are comprehensively embedded in daily business. In this regard, particular emphasis is placed on communication activities and training to raise awareness of compliance and to keep employees up to date with regulations. In the reporting year the Compliance department’s online presence was also refreshed as part of updating the KION intranet and the associated launch of the KION social intranet.
Current focus areas of the KION Group’s compliance activities include anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing, board member liability and the responsibility of managers, data protection and IT security, as well as foreign trade and export controls. The KION Group is also increasingly requiring its business partners to comply with its compliance principles. To achieve this, the IT-based Business Partner Check tool was set up in 2017. The tool is already in use within the central compliance organisation, with Group-wide roll-out taking place in 2018. Furthermore, development of the roadmap to combat money laundering was also successfully completed in 2017. In doing so, internal regulations on the prevention of money laundering were reviewed and Group departments were questioned on existing risks. This will see the roll-out of targeted risk-minimisation measures. Specific training on the topic of money laundering is intended as an additional risk-prevention measure.