3.3 Market for industrial trucks

Global market sees record unit sales

Worldwide demand for industrial trucks remained relatively unaffected by economic uncertainties in 2011. Global sales rose by 23 per cent year on year to reach a record 977,000 units (2010: 796,000 units). The recovery in the markets seen in 2010 continued in the first six months of 2011, with order intake amounting to 506,500 units. There was a slowdown in the second half of the year however, and sales declined to 470,600 units. Over half of market growth was generated by the markets in western Europe and China. Eastern European markets also achieved high growth rates, driven above all by Russia. The high-growth regions underpinned their importance as markets and continued to stabilise in the global market. Order intake in the industrialised countries, above all Germany and the United States, was buoyant and grew at a faster rate than the global market.

German market above pre-crisis level

Continued upturn in eastern Europe

Brazil stagnates at a high level

Encouraging growth in the USA

Chinese market continues to drive growth

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