Business situation and financial performance of the Other segment

Business situation

Total revenue in the Other segment rose significantly year on year to €251 million (2011: €223 million). As in 2011, the main revenue drivers were internal IT and logistics services. Revenue generated from external companies amounted to €43 million (2011: €40 million), most of which was contributed by Voltas MH, which had only been consolidated for nine months in 2011. Voltas MH benefited from the increased production capacity at the plant built in Pune in 2011 and from the further strengthened sales and service network.

Financial performance

EBIT in the Other segment decreased to €-12 million (2011: €43 million), while adjusted EBIT fell from €68 million in 2011 to €44 million in 2012, owing in part to decreased investment income. The markedly positive result of the Other segment includes significant investment income from subsidiaries that were eliminated at Group level. Operationally, Voltas MH in particular made a positive contribution to segment earnings.

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