Management and control
Corporate governance
The KION Group follows generally accepted standards of sound, responsible corporate governance. The German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) provides the framework for management and control. As required by section 289a of the German Commercial Code (HGB), the corporate governance standards that the Group applies are set out in the declaration on corporate governance. This declaration also contains the comply-or-explain statement pursuant to section 161 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), which was issued by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of KION GROUP AG on 19 December 2013, and the corporate governance report pursuant to section 3.10 of the German Corporate Governance Code, which also provides information about the compliance standards in the Group. The declaration on corporate governance can be viewed and downloaded on the Company’s website ( It also forms part of this annual report.
The essential features of the remuneration system are described in the remuneration report, which is part of the 2013 group management report and can be found in the remuneration report section of the annual report. The total amounts for Executive Board remuneration and Supervisory Board remuneration are reported in the notes to the consolidated financial statements (note [43]).