Research and development

Strategic focus of research and development

The focus of research and development (R&D) is aligned with the Strategy 2020. The KION Group pursues the primary objective of increasing the customer benefits in all price segments and sales regions and, by adhering to modular and platform strategies, offering high quality at competitive prices. To this end, R&D is designed to be as cost-effective as possible in order to reduce the complexity and diversity of products and shorten development times. The cross-brand R&D platform enables research results and technological expertise to be shared, although responsibility for product development lies mainly with the individual companies.

In the premium segment, the focus remains on total cost of ownership (TCO) – including purchase price, maintenance and repair costs and fuel consumption – while complying with environmental targets and regulatory requirements. The objective here is to ensure ongoing enhancement of the portfolio, which will secure the Company’s position as a leading technology provider. Another aim is to integrate the KION Group’s logistics solutions into customers’ value chains and harness the potential of new application areas. In the volume and economy segments, the KION Group is establishing shared, cross-brand and cost-efficient platforms that enable low-cost production yet allow a strong degree of regional differentiation in the industrial trucks.

Key R&D figures

In 2014, the KION Group actively stepped up its total spending on research and development, which amounted to €119.7 million. This constituted a year-on-year rise of 4.8 per cent (2013: €114.2 million). The KION Group therefore channelled 2.6 per cent of total revenue (2013: 2.5 per cent), or 4.7 per cent of revenue from new truck business (2013: 4.5 per cent), into R&D and was thus once again higher than the industry average in its R&D spending. Total R&D expenditure included €43.7 million in capitalised development costs (2013: €45.7 million). These expenses were offset by depreciation and amortisation of €49.7 million (2013: €45.1 million) (see note [17] in the notes to the consolidated financial statements).

The number of full-time jobs in R&D teams grew by 79 to 1,023. Within the R&D organisation, the development centre in the southern Chinese city of Xiamen carries out cross-brand development work, focusing mainly on the economy and volume price segments in emerging markets. It is playing a crucial role in bringing the groupwide platform strategy to fruition. That is why R&D headcount at the centre again increased particularly strongly, climbing from 232 FTEs in the previous year to 282 FTEs in 2014. > TABLE 032

Research and development (R&D)


in € million




Research and development costs (P&L)




Amortisation expense (R&D)




Capitalised development costs




Total R&D spending




R&D spending as percentage of revenue



The KION Group takes comprehensive measures to protect the products it develops against imitations. In 2014, the KION companies were granted a total of 140 patents (2013: 85). As at 31 December 2014, the companies of the KION Group held a total of 1,689 patent applications and issued patents (31 December 2013: 1,596 patent applications and issued patents).

Focus of R&D in 2014

Reduction of emissions and fuel consumption

Tighter emissions standards for diesel trucks and the sustained trend for e-mobility have pushed up demand for zero-emission electric forklift trucks, including those with large load capacities. In response, both LMH and STILL have extended their range of electric counterbalance trucks that can lift up to eight tonnes.

In June, STILL presented its reworked RX 20 with much improved performance capabilities. LMH launched the new E12-E20 EVO electric counterbalance truck models in the 1.2-2 tonne load capacity category. Thanks to this facelift, the new models consume up to 17 per cent less energy than their predecessors. One of the reasons for this saving was the use of different driving dynamics programmes that provide the optimum balance between high performance and low energy consumption for the specific situation.

To provide customers with clear information on how their environmental footprint is affected as a result of deploying a Linde truck, Linde Material Handling worked with the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) to develop a method for assessing the environmental impact of its forklift trucks and warehouse trucks throughout the product lifecycle. In addition, lifecycle assessments for the company’s seven main product groups were prepared.

Modular and platform strategy

Drive technology

Automation and networking

Workplace safety and ergonomics