Outlook, opportunity and risk report


Forward-looking statements

The forward-looking statements and information given below are based on the Company’s current expectations and assessments. Consequently, they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Many factors, several of which are beyond the control of the KION Group, affect the Group’s business activities and profitability. Any unexpected developments in the global economy would result in the KION Group’s performance and profits differing significantly from those forecast below. The KION Group does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequently occurring events or circumstances. Furthermore, the KION Group cannot guarantee that future performance and actual profits generated will be consistent with the stated assumptions and estimates and can accept no liability in this regard.

Actual business performance may deviate from the forecasts due, among other factors, to the opportunities and risks described in the 2013 group management report. Performance particularly depends on macroeconomic and industry-specific conditions and may be negatively affected by increasing uncertainty or a worsening of the economic and political situation.

Expected business performance

Given its overall solid performance in the first quarter of 2014, the KION Group is adhering to the forecast for 2014 as a whole that was published in the 2013 group management report. The KION Group continues to aim for a slight increase in order intake and consolidated revenue, a marked rise in adjusted EBIT and – despite growing capital expenditure – a significantly higher level of free cash flow. The expectations regarding macroeconomic and sector-specific conditions also still apply.

The KION Group’s financial position has continued to improve thanks to the measures implemented in the second quarter. The repayment of the bond tranches and the increase in the revolving credit facility will allow the KION Group to reduce its interest payments in subsequent quarters.

Overall, the KION Group is forecasting profitable growth for 2014 as a whole and aims to achieve a sustained improvement in its market positions worldwide.

Opportunity and risk report

The KION Group’s overall risk and opportunity situation has not changed significantly compared with the description in the 2013 group management report. As things stand at present, there are no indications of any risks that could jeopardise the Company’s continuation as a going concern.

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