KION shares

Share performance

KION shares, which have been included in Deutsche Börse’s MDAX since 22 September 2014, climbed strongly in the buoyant stock market of the first three months of 2015. They closed at €38.16 on 31 March 2015, which was up by 20.2 per cent on their 2014 year-end closing price of €31.74, an increase that matched the high level of the market. Over the same period, the MDAX rose by 22.1 per cent, while the DAX went up by 22.0 per cent. KION shares reached their lowest price of the year so far (€30.64) on 14 January 2015, while on 11 March 2015 they reached their highest price (€39.61) since the IPO on 28 June 2013. The performance of the shares in the first quarter was largely driven by the general market trend. However, the announcement of record results for 2014 and the sizeable placements in the first quarter also had a positive impact.

Overall the share price has gone up by an impressive 61.0 per cent since the IPO on 28 June 2013.

At the end of the reporting period, market capitalisation stood at €3.8 billion. The average daily Xetra trading volume during the first quarter was approximately 219 thousand shares or €7.8 million. > DIAGRAM 01

Shareholder structure

Dividend and 2015 Annual General Meeting

Investor relations

Corporate bond and credit rating