KION shares
Share performance
In the second quarter, KION shares bucked the downward trend on German and European stock markets and continued to climb, closing at €42.97 on 30 June 2015. This represented an increase of 35.4 per cent compared with the 2014 year-end closing price of €31.74. The shares therefore performed significantly better than the MDAX, which went up by 15.9 per cent. They outperformed the DAX (up by 11.6 per cent) to an even greater extent. Having fallen to their low for the year so far of €30.64 on 14 January 2015, the shares reached a record high of €44.15 on 26 June 2015. Besides the encouraging results for the first quarter, another contributing factor to this increase was the inclusion of KION shares in the STOXX Europe 600, a move that was completed on 22 June 2015. As at 30 June 2015, market capitalisation stood at €4.2 billion, of which €2.6 billion was accounted for by shares in free float. The average daily Xetra trading volume during the first half of the year was 205.2 thousand shares or €7.9 million. > DIAGRAM 01