KION shares

Share performance

Equity markets worldwide experienced a sharp downturn in the third quarter. Turmoil on stock markets in Asia, uncertainty about future interest rates in the United States and, not least, the scandal at Volkswagen all contributed to huge falls in share prices. During the summer, KION shares ceded some of the price gains that they had made in the first half of the year, thereby reflecting the market trend. They closed at €39.67 on 30 September 2015. Nevertheless, this represented an increase of 25.0 per cent compared with the 2014 year-end closing price of €31.74. KION shares therefore performed better than the MDAX, which was up by just 13.8 per cent. They outperformed the DAX (down by 1.5 per cent) to an even greater extent. Having fallen to their low for the year so far of €30.64 on 14 January 2015, the shares reached their peak of €44.15 on 26 June 2015, thanks in part to their inclusion in the STOXX Europe 600 on 22 June 2015. As at 30 September 2015, market capitalisation stood at €3.9 billion, of which €2.4 billion was accounted for by shares in free float. > DIAGRAM 01

Shareholder structure

Investor relations

Corporate bond and credit rating