10.1 Key management team
The Executive Board of KION Group GmbH consists of Gordon Riske, Harald Pinger, who are Managing Directors of KION Holding 1 GmbH and KION GROUP GmbH, and Otmar Hauck, who is also Managing Director of KION GROUP GmbH.
Gordon Riske has been Chief Executive Officer (CEO) since 23 April 2008 and is responsible, among other things, for the strategic management of the Group, communications, governance and compliance, and the Group's Asian business. The CEOs of the brand parent companies Linde Material Handling and STILL report to him.
Harald Pinger has been Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since 1 August 2008 and is responsible, among other things, for finance including financial services, IT activities, human resources, legal affairs, internal audit and the Americas region. On 1 January 2010, he took over the position of Labour Relations Director from Gordon Riske.
Otmar Hauck has been the Chief Operating Officer of the KION Group since 1 November 2009. He is responsible for quality and central operations (operational excellence & production control), purchasing, logistics, health & safety and environmental issues in the Group.
The Executive Board normally meets every 14 days. Apart from preparing and taking all decisions relating to the day-to-day management of the Company, the Executive Board also discusses and approves any transactions in the brand subgroups that require their consent at these meetings. A list of the transactions requiring such consent is included in the rules of procedure for the relevant Management Boards. Under its rules of procedure, the Executive Board must have certain transactions approved by other decision-making bodies such as the Supervisory Board or the shareholders' meeting.
Diagram showing the responsibilities of the KION Group's Executive Board