[26] Retirement benefit obligation

The retirement benefit obligation is recognised for obligations to provide current and future post-employment benefits. Post-employment benefit plans are classified as either defined benefit plans or defined contribution plans, depending on the substance of the plan as derived from its principal terms and conditions.

Defined contribution plans

In the case of defined-contribution pension plans, the Group pays contributions to government or private pension insurance providers based on statutory or contractual provisions, or on a voluntary basis. The Group does not enter into any obligations above and beyond the payment of contributions to an external pension fund. The amount of future benefits is based solely on the amount of the contributions paid by the employer (and in some cases the beneficiaries themselves) to the external pension fund, including income from the investment of these contributions. The total expense arising from defined contribution plans amounted to €56,118 thousand in 2011 (2010: €48,867 thousand). Of this total, contributions paid by employers into government-run plans amounted to €53,337 thousand (2010: €46,480 thousand). The defined contribution plan expense is reported within the functional costs.

Defined benefit plans

Measurement assumptions

Statement of financial position

Statement of cash flows

Income statement

Other comprehensive income (loss)

Additional disclosures

Five-year overview

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