
(Changes compared to prior year period)

  • REVENUE Q2                                                                 + 6.4%
  • REVENUE Q1-2                                                             + 9.4%

  • ADJUSTED EBIT Q2                                                     + 10.5%
  • ADJUSTED EBIT Q1-2                                                 + 21.3%

  • ORDER BOOK as of 30 June 2012                            €1,008 million

Revenue (€ million)

Adjusted EBIT Margin

* The Adjusted EBIT in Q2/2012 includes €4 million in profits from investments mainly related to participations in dealers (Q2/2011: €7 million). These profits represent 0.4%-points of EBIT margin in Q2/2012 (Q2/2011: 0.7%-points). Thus, the Adjusted EBIT margin in Q2/2012 amounts to 9.1% adjusted for profits from investments (Q2/2011: 8.5%).

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