The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of KION GROUP AG have a close and trusting working relationship that focuses on ensuring the sustained success of the Company. The members of the Executive Board regularly attend Supervisory Board meetings, unless the Supervisory Board decides to meet without the Executive Board.
The Board of Management promptly, comprehensively and regularly reports to the Supervisory Board on the performance of the KION Group. Besides the reporting obligations defined by law, the rules of procedure for the Executive Board of KION GROUP AG set out further reporting requirements and reservations of approval in favour of the Supervisory Board.
3.1 Working methods of the Executive Board
The Executive Board of KION GROUP AG comprises five members. It is responsible for managing the Company in the Company’s interest, i.e. taking account of shareholders, customers, employees and other stakeholders with the aim of creating sustainable added value. The Executive Board develops the Company’s strategy, discusses it with the Supervisory Board and ensures that it is implemented. Every Executive Board member is responsible for his or her own area of responsibility, and keeps his or her fellow board members informed of developments on an ongoing basis. >> Table 003
Responsibilities within the Executive Board
>> TABLE 003
Executive Board
Gordon Riske
CEO KION GROUP AG Strategy/Business Development Corporate Communications Corporate Office Internal Audit Compliance KION Warehouse Systems KION Synergies/Platforms North America Region South America Region
Dr Thomas Toepfer
CFO KION GROUP AG Accounting, Tax & Financial Services Corporate Finance/Investor Relations/M&A Controlling HR/Labour Relations Director Legal IT Purchasing Data Protection
Bert-Jan Knoef
Executive Board member KION GROUP AG CEO STILL GmbH Logistics/Urban
Theodor Maurer
Executive Board member KION GROUP AG CEO Linde Material Handling GmbH Quality Facility Management/Health Safety Environment
Ching Pong Quek
Executive Board member KION GROUP AG / Chief Asia Pacific Officer Asia Pacific Region
Every Executive Board member must disclose potential conflicts of interest to the Supervisory Board immediately and must also inform the other Executive Board members. All transactions between KION GROUP AG and Executive Board members or parties or companies closely associated with them must be concluded on an arm’s-length basis.
Rules of procedure laid down by the Supervisory Board define the areas of responsibility of the Executive Board members and the way in which they work together. The full Executive Board normally meets every 14 days and is chaired by the CEO. Individual Executive Board members sometimes take part via video conference. At the meetings, the board members discuss measures and business that, under the Executive Board’s rules of procedure, require the approval of the full Executive Board. Resolutions of the Full Executive Board are passed by simple majority unless a greater majority is required by law. The chairman has a casting vote in the event of a tied vote. Resolutions of the Executive Board may also be adopted between meetings. Taking account of the requirements of section 90 AktG, the Executive Board provides the Supervisory Board with regular, timely and comprehensive information on all matters of relevance to the business as a whole relating to operating policy, strategic planning, business performance, financial position, financial performance and business risks. The Chief Executive Officer meets regularly with the chairman of the Supervisory Board to discuss these matters too.
The working methods of the Executive Board are described in more detail in the rules of procedure laid down by the Supervisory Board for the Executive Board, which also set out the business allocation plan and the matters reserved to the full Executive Board. The Executive Board’s rules of procedure reserve certain important transactions for the approval of the Supervisory Board. The budget planning requires the approval of the Supervisory Board, for example, as do major acquisitions or investments.
The Company is represented by two members of the Executive Board, by one member of the Executive Board acting conjointly with a Prokurist (person with full commercial power of representation), or by two Prokurists.
3.2 Working methods of the Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of KION GROUP AG advises and monitors the Executive Board in its management of the Company and reviews its work. The Supervisory Board is fully involved from an early stage in all decisions that are fundamental to KION GROUP AG.
The Supervisory Board of KION GROUP AG consists of 16 members, eight of whom are employee representatives and eight are shareholder representatives. The shareholder representatives are elected by the Annual General Meeting by simple majority.
The Supervisory Board has drawn up rules of procedure for its work. These apply in addition to the requirements of the articles of incorporation and also define the Supervisory Board committees. According to these rules, the chairman of the Supervisory Board coordinates its work and the cooperation with the Executive Board, chairs its meetings and represents it externally. The Supervisory Board meets in person at least twice in each half of a calendar year, and adopts its resolutions at these meetings. Between these meetings, resolutions may also be adopted in writing, by telephone or by other similar forms of voting, provided that the chairman of the Supervisory Board or, in his absence, his deputy, decides on this procedure for the individual case concerned. The Supervisory Board adopts resolutions by a simple majority of the votes cast unless a different procedure is prescribed by law. If a vote is tied, the matter will only be renegotiated if the majority of the Supervisory Board vote in favour of this option. Otherwise the Board must vote again without delay. If this new vote on the same matter also results in an equal number of votes for and against, the chairman of the Supervisory Board has a casting vote.
3.3 Objectives for the composition of the Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board strives to ensure that its composition is appropriate to its responsibilities and obligations. In particular, this means considering members’ individual qualities and skills as well as the specific requirements resulting from the global business activities of KION GROUP AG and its Group companies. The Supervisory Board is therefore of the opinion that the priority in aiming for a composition based on diversity must be the expertise of the individual members and a balanced mix of personal qualities, experience, skills, qualifications and knowledge of all members in line with the requirements of the business, and has agreed upon guidelines for the selection of Supervisory Board members in the form of a diversity statement. This also means that the Supervisory Board’s aim is to have an appropriate number of women on the Supervisory Board. Given that at present – as in the past – there are already two female members on the KION GROUP AG Supervisory Board, it believes that an appropriate proportion has already been achieved which takes account of the specifics of the enterprise and it will make efforts to retain this proportion of women. The Supervisory Board would also support the inclusion of other female Board members who meet the above criteria, but at present it does not see any need for further increasing the proportion of women on the KION GROUP AG Supervisory Board in the short term, or for introducing a mandatory quota for female members of the Supervisory Board. At the same time, it is following the debate in society and among politicians regarding a statutory minimum quota for women on supervisory boards and will take any measures that may be required.
3.4 Working methods and composition of the committees of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
On 29 May 2013, but with effect from the registration of the change of form to KION GROUP AG, the Supervisory Board of KION Holding 1 GmbH (known as KION GROUP AG (under formation) before the effective date of the change of legal form) resolved to create four committees, whose tasks, responsibilities and work processes comply with the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and the German Corporate Governance Code. The chairman of each committee reports regularly to the full Supervisory Board on his committee’s work. The committees have each drawn up rules of procedure that define their tasks and working methods.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of four shareholder representatives and four employee representatives. Its chairman is always the chairman of the Supervisory Board. It prepares the meetings of the Supervisory Board and is responsible for ongoing matters between Supervisory Board meetings. The Executive Committee also prepares the Supervisory Board’s decisions relating to corporate governance, particularly amendments to the comply-or-explain statement pursuant to section 161 AktG reflecting changed circumstances and the checking of adherence to the comply-or-explain statement. It also prepares documents for the Supervisory Board when Executive Board members are to be appointed or removed and, if applicable, when a new Chief Executive Officer is to be appointed. Other documents prepared by the Executive Committee relate to any matter in connection with Executive Board remuneration. The Executive Committee is also responsible for resolutions concerning the conclusion, amendment and termination of Executive Board employment contracts and agreements with Executive Board members governing pensions, severance packages, consultancy and other matters and for resolutions about any matters arising as a result of such contracts and agreements, unless they relate to remuneration. The responsibilities of the Executive Committee also include resolutions about the extension of loans to Executive Board members, Supervisory Board members and parties related to them within the meaning of sections 89 and 115 AktG, as well as resolutions to approve contracts with Supervisory Board members outside their Supervisory Board remit. The Executive Committee should – in consultation with the Executive Board – regularly deliberate on long-term succession planning for the Executive Board.
In 2013, the members of the Executive Committee were:
Dr John Feldmann (chairman)
Joachim Hartig (deputy chairman)
Dr Alexander Dibelius
Denis Heljic
Johannes P. Huth
Jiang Kui
Thilo Kämmerer
Kay Pietsch
Mediation Committee
The Mediation Committee comprises the chairman of the Supervisory Board, his deputy, an employee representative and a shareholder representative. If a majority of two thirds of votes as required by section 27 (3) and section 31 (3) MitbestG is not reached in a vote by the Supervisory Board on the appointment of an Executive Board member, the Mediation Committee must propose candidates for the post to the Supervisory Board within one month. The chairman of the Supervisory Board does not have a second vote on the candidates proposed.
In 2013, the members of the Mediation Committee were:
Dr John Feldmann (chairman)
Joachim Hartig (deputy chairman)
Johannes P. Huth (from 27 June 2013)
Dr Alexander Dibelius (until 27 June 2013)
Kay Pietsch
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee has four members, who are elected by the Supervisory Board. Its purpose is to assist the Supervisory Board in performing its task of monitoring accounting processes, compliance matters and reporting. These responsibilities encompass monitoring the quality and integrity of the consolidated and separate financial statements (as well as related disclosures), the internal control mechanisms, risk management and the internal audit system. The Audit Committee also reviews the work carried out by the independent auditor and checks that the independent auditor is qualified and independent. It is also responsible for engaging the independent auditor, determining the focus of the audit and agreeing the fee. In addition, the Audit Committee exercises the rights in investee companies set forth in section 32 (1) MitbestG.
In 2013, the members of the Audit Committee were:
Hans Peter Ring (chairman, from 27 June 2013)
Dr Martin Hintze (chairman, until 27 June 2013)
Kay Pietsch (deputy chairman)
Dr John Feldmann (from 27 June 2013)
Dr Roland Köstler (until 30 September 2013)
Alexandra Schädler (from 2 October 2013)
Silke Scheiber (until 27 June 2013)
As an independent member of the Audit Committee, the chairman, Hans Peter Ring, has the required expertise in the areas of accountancy and auditing specified in sections 100 (5) and 107 (4) AktG.
Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee has four members, all of whom are shareholder representatives and are elected by the shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board. The Nomination Committee’s only task is to propose new candidates for the Supervisory Board to the Company’s Annual General Meeting.
Members of the Nomination Committee:
Dr John Feldmann (chairman)
Dr Martin Hintze (deputy chairman)
Jiang Kui
Silke Scheiber
Until 27 June 2013, when its tasks were taken over by the Executive Committee, the members of the Human Resources Committee were:
Johannes P. Huth (chairman)
Joachim Hartig (deputy chairman)
Dr Alexander Dibelius
Thilo Kämmerer