Factors affecting our Business

General and Regional Economic Conditions

Our business around the world depends on the demand of our customers for industrial trucks, which in turn depends to a large extent on general economic conditions in the countries, regions and localities in which our customers operate, as well as the economic conditions that affect their customers. When general economic conditions improve or deteriorate, production generally and the demand for new trucks specifically tend to show corresponding movements, particularly in those industry sectors or geographic areas which are most affected by such changes. Such changes, particularly when they are widespread and pronounced, can therefore materially affect our results. For example, our results were negatively affected by the global economic and financial crisis in 2008 and 2009, primarily because our customers postponed the replacement of their existing trucks in that period of time which led to a significant decrease in orders of new trucks. We believe that our business has become more resilient to economic downturns due to the increasing share of our service revenue which remained relatively stable during the global financial crisis and achieves higher EBIT margins than the revenue from the sale of new trucks. Due to an installed base in the global market of more than one million trucks, we significantly increased the revenue contributions of our high-margin service offering (which includes after sales services with spare parts, repairs and maintenance, used truck sales, short-term rentals, sales financing, and fleet management). The relatively stable revenue of our service offering was able to partially off-set the cyclicality of the new trucks business in recent years. However, in 2009 we observed that deteriorations of global economic conditions can lead to a lower utilization of installed trucks resulting in a decline of demand for our service offering. Thus, if economic changes are pronounced and/or long-lasting, such as the global financial crisis and subsequent recession that began in 2008, such changes can also have a significant impact on our service business.

Presences in Attractive Markets with strong growth above GDP

Reduction of our Fixed Costs through Business Restructuring and Redesign and Expansion of Low-Cost Country Sourcing

EBIT Margin Improvement Driven by Cost Structure Optimization and Premium Pricing

Factors affecting our Trade Working Capital

Stability of raw material costs

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