Executive Board remuneration
Remuneration system
Essential features of the Executive Board remuneration system
The remuneration of the Executive Board of KION GROUP AG is determined in accordance with the requirements of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and the DCGK. It reflects the size and complexity of the KION Group, its business and financial situation, its performance and future prospects, the normal amount and structure of executive board remuneration in comparable companies and the internal salary structure. The Supervisory Board also took into account the relationship between the Executive Board remuneration and the remuneration paid to senior managers and the workforce of the Company as a whole, including increases over the course of time. Other criteria used to determine remuneration included the remit and work to be carried out by the individual members of the Executive Board. The remuneration system was designed with support from external consultants working independently of the Executive Board and the Company.
The total remuneration paid to the Executive Board comprises a non-performance-related salary and non-performance-related non-cash benefits, performance-related (variable) remuneration and pension entitlements. When the variable remuneration structure was defined, the emphasis was on creating a measurement basis covering a number of years, thus providing the members of the Executive Board with an incentive to contribute to the sustained and long-term growth of the Company. The structure also takes into account both positive and negative performance.
In addition, the remuneration for all members of the Executive Board is subject to upper limits on the amounts payable, both overall and also in terms of the variable components.
The pension entitlements consist of entitlements in respect of retirement, invalidity and surviving dependants’ benefits. The Supervisory Board regularly reviews the structure and appropriateness of Executive Board remuneration.
Non-performance-related remuneration
The Executive Board members of KION GROUP AG receive non-performance-related remuneration in the form of a fixed annual salary (basic remuneration) and additional benefits. The fixed annual salary is paid at the end of each month in twelve equal instalments, the last payment being made for the full month in which the Executive Board service agreements ends. The additional non-cash benefits essentially comprises use of a company car and the payment of premiums for accident insurance with benefits at a typical market level.
Additional special benefits have been agreed for Mr Quek because he has been sent from Singapore to China on foreign assignment.
Mr Quek’s remuneration is therefore structured as if he were liable for taxes and social security contributions in Singapore. KION GROUP AG pays the additional taxes and social security contributions that Mr Quek incurs in China and Germany. In 2014, the additional amount involved totalled €284,897 (2013: €316,045). The additional benefits agreed with Mr Quek include moreover the cost of trips home to Singapore for Mr Quek and his family, a company car, rental payments in Xiamen and private health insurance. In 2014, the special additional benefits for Mr Quek amounted to a total of €107,997 (2013: €117,161). These special benefits will be granted for as long as Mr Quek’s designated place of work is Xiamen or until his service agreement with KION GROUP AG ends.
Performance-related remuneration
The performance-related remuneration components consist of a variable remuneration component measured over one year and a variable remuneration component measured over several years in the form of a rolling performance share plan with a three-year term.
One-year variable remuneration
The one-year variable remuneration is a remuneration component linked to the business profitability and productivity of the KION Group in the relevant financial year. Its amount is determined by the achievement of targets based on the following KPIs: earnings before interest, taxes and amortisation (EBITA), return on capital employed (ROCE), revenue and net debt. They are weighted as follows: 30 per cent for EBITA, 30 per cent for ROCE, 20 per cent for revenue and 20 per cent for net debt. The target values for the financial components are derived from the annual budget and specified by the Supervisory Board.
The possible range for target achievement is 0 per cent to 200 per cent. If the targets derived from the annual budget are achieved in full, target achievement is 100 per cent. The target achievement levels for the weighted Company targets (EBITA, ROCE, revenue and net debt) are added together to give the total target achievement.
The individual performance of the Executive Board members is rated using a discretionary performance multiple with a factor of between 0.8 and 1.2. The factor is determined by the Supervisory Board with reference to achievement of the individual targets defined by the Supervisory Board in a target agreement form at the start of the year. The factor is applied to total target achievement for the budget targets and results in payment of the individual target bonus. The amount paid as one-year variable remuneration is capped at 200 per cent of the target bonus.
In the event that an Executive Board member is not entitled to remuneration for the entire year on which the calculation is based, the remuneration is reduced pro rata temporis.
Multiple-year variable remuneration
The multiple-year variable remuneration component is structured in the form of a performance share plan. At the start of the three-year performance period, a conditional entitlement to a certain target number of performance shares is granted. This number is calculated by dividing the allocation value (in euros) for the particular Executive Board member by the fair value of one performance share at the time of grant. The number of preliminary performance shares defined in this way is adjusted depending on achievement of the two target values – total shareholder return (TSR) for KION shares compared with the STOXX® Europe Total Market Index (TMI) Industrial Engineering index and return on capital employed (ROCE) – over the performance period. Each target has a 50 per cent weighting.
The possible range for target achievement for both elements is 0 per cent to 150 per cent. If KION shares outperform the STOXX® Europe TMI Industrial Engineering index by 10 per cent and the ROCE targets defined each year on the basis of the budget are achieved, total target achievement will be 100 per cent.
The amount paid for each tranche is determined by the final number of performance shares multiplied by the price of the Company’s shares (average price over the preceding 60 trading days) at the end of the performance period. Depending on achievement of the individual targets defined by the Supervisory Board at the start of the performance period (three-year target agreement form), the Supervisory Board can use a discretionary factor to make a final adjustment to the calculation of the amount to be paid out at the end of the performance period by plus or minus 20 per cent, although the maximum payment may not exceed 200 per cent of the allocation value.
The plan is a cash-settled long-term incentive plan that does not include the right to receive any actual shares. The first payment under the plan will be made in 2016.
Under the requirements of German accounting standard (GAS) 17 and IFRS 2, the total expense arising from share-based payments and the fair value of the performance share plan on the date of granting must be disclosed. > TABLE 007
Performance Share Plan 2014 |
007 |
Fair value of the performance share plan on the date of grant |
Number of performance shares granted1 |
Fair value per performance share on date of grant |
Expense for share-based remuneration in 2014 |
Gordon Riske |
€1,500,000 |
54,427 |
€27.56 |
€486,033 |
Bert-Jan Knoef |
€1,000,000 |
36,284 |
€27.56 |
€324,016 |
Theodor Maurer |
€1,000,000 |
36,284 |
€27.56 |
€324,016 |
Ching Pong Quek |
€830,000 |
30,116 |
€27.56 |
€268,936 |
Dr Thomas Toepfer |
€1,000,000 |
36,284 |
€27.56 |
€324,016 |
Total |
€5,330,000 |
193,395 |
€1,727,017 |
Performance Share Plan 2013 |
Fair value of the performance share plan on the date of grant |
Number of performance shares granted1 |
Fair value per performance share on date of grant |
Expense for share-based remuneration in 2013 |
Expense for share-based remuneration in 2014 |
Gordon Riske |
€1,500,000 |
73,710 |
€20.35 |
€349,975 |
€859,620 |
Bert-Jan Knoef |
€1,000,000 |
49,140 |
€20.35 |
€233,317 |
€573,080 |
Theodor Maurer |
€1,000,000 |
49,140 |
€20.35 |
€233,317 |
€573,080 |
Ching Pong Quek |
€830,000 |
40,786 |
€20.35 |
€193,652 |
€475,654 |
Dr Thomas Toepfer |
€1,000,000 |
49,140 |
€20.35 |
€233,317 |
€573,080 |
Total |
€5,330,000 |
261,916 |
€1,243,578 |
€3,054,514 |
The total expense in 2014 amounted to €4,781,531 (2013: €1,243,578).
Prior to the IPO in 2013, Executive Board member Dr Thomas Toepfer was granted a special bonus (to be payable in two tranches) dependent on a successful IPO and subject to the condition that Dr Toepfer remained employed by KION GROUP AG after the IPO for a period of twelve months (for tranche 1) and 18 months (for tranche 2). The amount of the bonus depends on the weighted average price of KION shares in the four weeks immediately preceding the payment of each tranche. The pro-rata expense for 2014 was €0.8 million (2013: €0.6 million). In connection with the provision of this special bonus entitlement, Dr Toepfer paid a one-off capital contribution of €200,000 into the Company, which the Company deducted from the net amount of a bonus for 2012 that was due to be paid to Dr Toepfer in 2013. The IPO bonus became payable in 2014. Besides the capital contribution repayment, Dr Toepfer was paid €755,285 for tranche 1 and €679,058 for tranche 2.
Pension entitlements
KION GROUP AG grants its Executive Board members direct entitlement to a company pension plan consisting of retirement, invalidity and surviving dependants’ benefits.
When the Company was floated, the defined benefit entitlement for the Company’s Chief Executive Officer that had been granted to Mr Riske in his original service agreement was transferred to his Executive Board service agreement. The benefit amounted to a maximum of 50 per cent of the most recent fixed annual salary after the end of the tenth year of service based on his original service agreement.
For the ordinary members of the Executive Board, the present value of the previous defined benefit plan at the time of the IPO was transferred as a starting contribution for new pension arrangements in the form of a defined-contribution plan. The new defined-contribution plan is structured as a cash balance plan. For each of the ordinary members of the Executive Board, a fixed annual contribution of €150,000 (€124,500 for Mr Quek) is paid into their pension accounts for the duration of the member’s period of service on the Executive Board.
Interest is paid on the pension account at the prevailing statutory guaranteed return rate for the life insurance industry (applicable maximum interest rate for the calculation of the actuarial reserves of life insurers pursuant to section 2 (1) German Regulation on the Principles Underlying the Calculation of the Premium Reserve (DeckRV)) until an insured event occurs. If higher interest is generated by investing the pension account, it will be credited to the pension account when an insured event occurs (surplus). The standard retirement age for the statutory pension applies. Once Executive Board members have reached their 62nd birthday, they are entitled to early payment of the pension. In the event of invalidity or death, the contributions that would have been made until the age of 60 are added to the pension account, although only a maximum of ten contributions will be added. When an insured event occurs, the pension is paid as a lump sum or, following a written request, in ten annual instalments.
Termination benefits
In line with the DCGK, all Executive Board service agreements provide for a severance payment equivalent to no more than two years’ annual remuneration payable in the event of the contract being terminated prematurely without good cause. The amount of annual remuneration is defined as fixed salary plus the variable remuneration elements, assuming 100 per cent target achievement and excluding non-cash benefits and other additional benefits, for the last full financial year before the end of the Executive Board service agreement. If the Executive Board service agreement was due to end within two years, the severance payment is calculated pro rata temporis. If a service agreement is terminated for good cause for which the Executive Board member concerned is responsible, no payments are made to the Executive Board member in question. The Company does not have any commitments for the payment of benefits in the event of a premature termination of Executive Board agreements following a change of control.
Executive Board members are subject to a post-contractual non-compete agreement of one year. In return, the Company pays the Executive Board member compensation for the duration of the non-compete agreement amounting to 100 per cent of his or her final fixed salary. Other income of the Executive Board member is offset against the compensation.
In the event that Mr Riske’s appointment is not extended for reasons for which he is not responsible and he has not reached the standard retirement age for the statutory pension or in the event that Mr Riske resigns for good cause before the end of his appointment or suffers permanent incapacity after his period of service as a result of sickness, he will receive transitional benefits of €264,000 per annum on the basis of previous contracts. During his current term of office, the amount of the transitional benefits will rise by €12,000 each year up to a maximum amount of €300,000 per annum. Severance payments in the event of early termination of his appointment without good cause, compensation for the post-contractual non-compete agreement, pension benefits that Mr Riske receives due to his previous work for other employers and income from other use of his working capacity (with the exception of remuneration for work as a member of a supervisory or advisory board or a board of directors) will be offset against these transitional benefits.
If an Executive Board member suffers temporary incapacity, he or she will receive their full fixed salary for a period of six months plus the one-year variable remuneration. In the event of temporary incapacity for a further six months, the Executive Board member will receive 80 per cent of his or her fixed salary, but only up to a point at which the service agreement is terminated.
If an Executive Board member ceases to be employed by the Company as a result of death, the Executive Board member or his / her family members will be entitled to the fixed monthly remuneration for the month in which the service agreement ends and for the three subsequent months, but only up to the point at which the service agreement would otherwise have come to an end.
Remuneration paid to members of the Executive Board in 2014
The total remuneration granted to Executive Board members for 2014 was €11,839,561 (minimum: €3,928,961, maximum: €19,750,161) (2013: €12,528,938). Of this amount, €2,839,850 (2013: €2,534,753) was attributable to fixed non-performance-related remuneration components, €7,910,600 (minimum: €0, maximum: €15,821,200) (2013: €9,141,827) to variable one-year and multiple-year performance-related remuneration components, €175,254 (2013: €221,744) to non-performance-related non-cash remuneration and other non-performance-related benefits, and €913,857 (2013: €630,614) to the pension expense. The figure shown for one-year variable remuneration is based on a target achievement rate of 100 per cent (minimum: 0 per cent target achievement, maximum: 200 per cent target achievement). The figure shown for multiple-year variable remuneration is the fair value of the performance share plans at the date of grant, which is equivalent to a target achievement rate of 100 per cent (minimum: 0 per cent target achievement, maximum: 200 per cent target achievement). The first payment will be made in 2016, provided the Company’s long-term targets are achieved.
The additional benefits were measured at the value calculated for tax purposes. > TABLE 008
Benefits granted in 2014 |
008 |
Gordon Riske
Gordon Riske |
Benefits granted |
2013 |
2014 |
2014 (min) |
2014 (max) |
Non-performance-related components |
Fixed remuneration |
€700,000 |
€800,000 |
€800,000 |
€800,000 |
Non-cash remuneration and other benefits1 |
€25,606 |
€18,560 |
€18,560 |
€18,560 |
Total |
€725,606 |
€818,560 |
€818,560 |
€818,560 |
Performance-related components |
Short-term incentive |
One-year variable remuneration2,3 |
€877,303 |
€700,000 |
€0 |
€1,400,000 |
Share-based long-term incentive4 |
Multiple-year variable remuneration |
€1,500,000 |
€1,500,000 |
€0 |
€3,000,000 |
Performance share plan2 (29 Jun 2013 – 31 Dec 2015) |
€1,500,000 |
Performance share plan2 (1 Jan 2014 – 31 Dec 2016) |
€1,500,000 |
€0 |
€3,000,000 |
IPO bonus tranche 1 (29 Jun 2013 – 29 Jun 2014) |
IPO bonus tranche 2 (29 Jun 2013 – 31 Dec 2014) |
Total |
€3,102,909 |
€3,018,560 |
€818,560 |
€5,218,560 |
Pension expense5 |
€422,727 |
€510,056 |
€510,056 |
€510,056 |
Total remuneration |
€3,525,636 |
€3,528,616 |
€1,328,616 |
€5,728,616 |
Bert-Jan Knoef
Theodor Maurer
Ching Pong Quek
Dr Thomas Toepfer
Former Executive Board members
The total remuneration allotted to / earned by Executive Board members for 2014 was €7,694,904 (2013: €5,851,985). Of this amount, €2,839,850 (2013: €2,534,753) was attributable to fixed non-performance-related remuneration components, €3,765,943 (2013: €2,464,874) to variable one-year and multiple-year performance-related remuneration components, €175,254 (2013: €221,744) to non-performance-related non-cash remuneration and other non-performance-related benefits, and €913,857 (2013: €630,614) to the pension expense. The figure shown for one-year variable remuneration is based on a preliminary total target achievement rate of 100 per cent calculated using preliminary earnings figures at the end of 2014. This preliminary variable remuneration for each Executive Board member is also subject to adjustment by the Supervisory Board in line with the individual performance of the Executive Board member. This adjustment may vary by +/- 20 per cent of the variable remuneration.
The additional benefits were measured at the value calculated for tax purposes. > TABLE 009
Allocation in 2014 |
009 |
Gordon Riske
Bert-Jan Knoef
Theodor Maurer
Ching Pong Quek
Dr Thomas Toepfer
Former Executive Board members
At its meeting on 17 December 2014, the Supervisory Board authorised the chairman of the Supervisory Board to hold talks with Mr Bert-Jan Knoef and Mr Theodor Maurer about the early termination of their appointment as members of the KION GROUP AG’s Executive Board, about the termination of their Executive Board service agreements and about the conclusion of appropriate termination agreements. The Supervisory Board also authorised its chairman to conclude the necessary agreements in accordance with contractual and statutory requirements. Subsequently, agreement was reached with Mr Knoef and Mr Maurer that they would resign from office with effect from 14 January 2015 and that their Executive Board service agreements would end on 31 March 2015.
As is the case with the remuneration paid to the Executive Board, the benefits granted to the two men comprise a non-performance-related salary and non-performance-related non-cash benefits, performance-related remuneration and pension entitlements.
Mr Knoef’s total amount of €4,546,755 breaks down into a non-performance-related component of €4,070,712, a performance-related component without a long-term incentive of €84,444, a performance-related component with a long-term incentive – at the fair value for the 2013 and 2014 tranches pursuant to the terms of the performance share plan as at 31 December 2014 – of €194,562, plus the pro-rata value for 2015 of the shares allotted of €70,370 and pension expenses of €126,667.
Mr Maurer’s total amount of €4,248,034 breaks down into a non-performance-related component of €3,771,991, a performance-related component without a long-term incentive of €84,444, a performance-related component with a long-term incentive – at the fair value for the 2013 and 2014 tranches pursuant to the terms of the performance share plan as at 31 December 2014 – of €194,562, plus the pro-rata value for 2015 of the shares allotted of €70,370 and pension expenses of €126,667.
The table below shows the pension contributions (additions to the plan) attributable to each individual Executive Board member and their separate present values. > TABLE 010
Pensions |
010 |
2014 service cost |
2013 service cost |
Present value (DBO) |
Present value (DBO) |
Gordon Riske |
€510,056 |
€422,727 |
€4,562,340 |
€3,180,565 |
Bert-Jan Knoef |
€101,631 |
€89,965 |
€1,905,632 |
€1,642,647 |
Theodor Maurer |
€104,401 |
€56,967 |
€637,569 |
€492,380 |
Ching Pong Quek |
€96,836 |
€0 |
€426,727 |
€265,443 |
Dr Thomas Toepfer |
€100,933 |
€58,758 |
€523,314 |
€341,416 |
The total remuneration paid to former members of the Executive Board amounted to €209,616 (2013: €207,561). Provisions for defined benefit obligations to former members of the Executive Board or their surviving dependants amounting to €6,082,485 (2013: €5,171,114) were recognised in accordance with IAS 19.
In the year under review, no advances were made to members of the Executive Board, and there were no loans.