Report of the Supervisory Board of KION GROUP AG

Dr John Feldmann
Dear shareholders,
KION GROUP AG can look back on a successful 2014. It was the first full financial year following the Company’s initial public offering (IPO) in June 2013 and was dominated by the first concrete steps in implementing the Strategy 2020, which the Executive Board and Supervisory Board had adopted at the end of 2013. Business picked up strongly where the previous year left off, maintaining the same high level of momentum.
Last year, the Supervisory Board continued to fulfil the tasks and responsibilities imposed on it by the law, the Company’s articles of incorporation and the German Corporate Governance Code with dedication and great diligence. There were again many important decisions, transactions requiring approval and other matters to be discussed and resolved upon.
Monitoring and advisory role in dialogue with the Executive Board
The Supervisory Board advised the Executive Board on all significant matters relating to managing the Company and monitored the Executive Board’s running of the Company. The Supervisory Board was fully involved in all major decisions affecting the Company from an early stage.
At meetings of the full Supervisory Board, the performance of the business and decisions and transactions that were important for the Company were deliberated on and discussed extensively on the basis of the information provided to the Supervisory Board by the Executive Board. The Executive Board always notified the Supervisory Board of every significant aspect of these transactions promptly and in detail, providing both written and oral reports. The Supervisory Board satisfied itself at all times that the Company was being managed lawfully and diligently.
The Executive Board gave the Supervisory Board sufficient notice of transactions that, according to the law, the Company’s articles of incorporation or the rules of procedure for the Executive Board of KION GROUP AG, require the Supervisory Board’s consent and presented them in good time for resolutions to be adopted. The Supervisory Board examined closely the resolutions proposed by the Executive Board and deliberated on them before adopting them. In urgent cases, written resolutions were also adopted.
The Executive Board informed the Supervisory Board about key financial data at regular intervals. Where there was a discrepancy between the actual figures and the business planning, the Executive Board always provided the Supervisory Board with a detailed oral and written explanation of what it considered the main reasons for the discrepancy. This enabled the Executive Board and Supervisory Board to discuss the reasons in detail and, if necessary, to take effective countermeasures.
In the periods between meetings of the Supervisory Board and between those of its committees, the chairman of the Supervisory Board, who is also chairman of the Executive Committee, remained in close contact at all times with the Chief Executive Officer. This ensured that the Supervisory Board was always kept up to date on the Company’s performance and any significant transactions.
Main focus areas discussed by the Supervisory Board
KION Strategy 2020
Corporate governance and comply-or-explain statement
Work of the committees
Engagement of the auditors; audit of the separate and consolidated financial statements
Review of the dependency report
Auditor’s opinion
Personnel changes
The details of this report were discussed thoroughly at the Supervisory Board meeting on 18 March 2015 when it was adopted.
My colleagues on the Supervisory Board and I would like to thank the members of the Executive Board and the employees of KION GROUP AG and its Group companies in Germany and abroad for their commitment and outstanding achievements in 2014.
Dr John Feldmann