Management system
Core key performance indicators
The KION Group’s strategy, which centres on value and growth, is reflected in how the Company is managed. It uses five core key performance indicators (KPIs) to continuously monitor market success, profitability, financial strength and liquidity. The performance targets of the Group and the segments are based on selected financial KPIs, as is the performance-based remuneration paid to managers. In principle, each month, the KPIs are measured and made available to the Executive Board in a comprehensive report. This enables the management team to take prompt corrective action in the event of variances compared with target figures. > TABLE 012
Key performance indicators |
012 |
in € million |
Order intake1 |
Revenue |
Adjusted EBIT2 |
Free cash flow |
2015 |
5,215.6 |
5,097.9 |
482.9 |
332.7 |
11.9% |
2014 |
4,771.2 |
4,677.9 |
442.9 |
305.9 |
11.4% |
2013 |
4,489.1 |
4,494.6 |
416.5 |
195.6 |
– |
KPIs related to business volume
Order intake and revenue
Order intake and revenue are broken down by segment, region and product category in the KION Group’s management reporting so that growth drivers and pertinent trends can be identified and analysed at an early stage. Order intake is a leading indicator for revenue. The length of time between receipt and invoicing of an order varies between business units and product groups.
Earnings-related KPI
Liquidity-related KPI
Profitability-related KPI
Other key performance indicators
Besides the aforementioned core KPIs, the KION Group uses a variety of additional financial KPIs. The main ones are net debt, which is used to manage the capital structure, and the EBIT margin, which together with ROCE is relevant as a component of remuneration and as a target in the Strategy 2020. There are also non-financial KPIs, which primarily relate to customers, employees, sustainability and technology. Some of them are used operationally as leading indicators for the financial KPIs.
The KPIs used to manage the brand segments are order intake, revenue and adjusted EBIT. Earnings before tax (EBT) and return on equity (ROE) are the KPIs used to manage the Financial Services segment.