Disclosures relevant to acquisitions, section 315 (4) HGB

The disclosures relevant to acquisitions pursuant to section 315 (4) HGB together with the explanatory report form an integral part of the combined management report.

1. Composition of subscribed capital

The subscribed capital (share capital) of KION GROUP AG amounted to €108.79 million as at 31 December 2016. It is divided into 108.79 million no-par-value bearer shares. The share capital is fully paid up. All of the shares in the Company give rise to the same rights and obligations. Each share confers one vote and entitlement to an equal share of the profits. The rights and obligations arising out of the shares are defined by legal provisions. As at 31 December 2016, the Company held 164,468 shares in treasury. The primary intention is to offer these treasury shares to staff as part of the KION Employee Equity Programme (KEEP).

2. Restrictions on voting rights or the transfer of shares

3. Direct or indirect shareholdings in the Company that represent more than 10 per cent of the voting rights

4. Shares with special rights that confer authority to exert control over the Company

5. Type of voting right controls in cases where employees hold some of the Company’s capital and do not exercise their control rights directly

6. Appointment and removal of members of the Executive Board; amendments to the articles of incorporation

7. Authority of the Executive Board to issue or buy back shares

8. Material agreements that the Company has signed and that are conditional upon a change of control resulting from a takeover bid, and the consequent effects

9. Compensation agreements that the Company has signed with the Executive Board members or employees that will be triggered in the event of a takeover bid