Product responsibility


Safe, ergonomic operation of all KION Group products has always been a focus of KION’s product development activities, especially in the Industrial Trucks & Services segment. The operator is always the focus of these considerations, with all operating elements adapted to suit his requirements – with active and passive safety systems offering maximum safety and helping to prevent accident risks. It is a commitment with a tradition: as long ago as 1980 Linde developed the first forklift truck with the Protector Frame, setting new standards in terms of safety. The protective overhead guard and frame form a completely enclosed, strong protection zone. Since then, trucks’ safety level has been continuously increased, with all KION Group products checked for their health and safety impacts. In the reporting year the Company was not notified of any significant fines owing to non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the supply and use of products and services, or their impact on health and safety.

Safety on board

Ergonomic operation – centring on the person