The Executive Board of KION GROUP AG bears overall responsibility for the compliance management system in the Group. The Compliance department reports directly to the CEO of the Group and is headed up by the Chief Compliance Officer. He and his team further develop the compliance management system, provide advice and information on compliance topics, and are responsible for providing appropriate training. The Compliance department supports the operating unit executives in implementing the compliance programme. KION Group Annual Report 2017 – Compliance management system
At a local level within the units, local and regional compliance representatives are appointed who ensure that operations within the Group company or region comply with statutory and regulatory requirements. Consequently, they are the first points of contact for questions on or the reporting of possible instances of non-compliance. Together they form the Group-wide compliance team, and their work is managed by the central Compliance department. Principally, each operating unit is to have one full-time Compliance Officer who reports directly to the Chief Compliance Officer. Regular telephone conference calls as well as personal site visits ensure information is shared continuously. These activities are complemented by the annual Compliance Day, which is attended by all employees who deal with compliance within the Group.
Dematic, which was acquired the previous year, has since been fully integrated into the KION compliance organisation with a full-time Compliance Officer. In addition, in 2018 the KION Group Code of Compliance will be expanded to include points from Dematic.
The local compliance representatives report to the Compliance department on a monthly basis and on an ad-hoc basis in serious cases. The Chief Compliance Officer reports significant incidents and developments directly to the CEO of the KION Group as well as to the Audit Committee of the KION GROUP AG Supervisory Board.
As part of its work, the KION Group Compliance department works closely with the Legal, Internal Audit and Human Resources departments. The KION Compliance Committee is also staffed by the heads of these departments. As a cross-functional committee it deals primarily with addressing compliance concerns, managing investigations, and providing advice on required sanctions on identification of compliance violations.
The KION Group compliance management system is based on the model of the IDW PS 980 auditing standard, which focuses on preventing compliance violations. Within the framework of its regular audits as well as through ad-hoc audits, its Group Audit department checks compliance in the subsidiaries with the KION Group’s compliance requirements. If its audits confirm cases of non-compliance, it is the task of the Human Resources or Legal department to remedy the violations and sanction those responsible. In 2018 the KION Group intends to build on the preparations it has already made and start the process of certifying its compliance management system.
Actual or suspected incidents of non-compliance can be reported by telephone, post, e-mail or fax. In addition, all KION Group employees can use a whistleblowing hotline to report potential compliance violations anonymously if they so wish. Employees can also contact their line manager at any time to raise awareness of possible grievances. Furthermore, the Compliance department’s section on the KION Group’s corporate website is being expanded to include contact details in order to increase transparency for external visitors.
In the reporting period the Compliance department received 147 notifications of suspected or actual violations. The notifications concerned attempted cyber attacks via spam mails or attempted CEO fraud, HR and HSE-related complaints, possible conflicts of interest, theft of Company property, and cases of fraud. Every single notification was followed up.
30 per cent of the notifications resulted in corrective measures being taken, such as improvements in internal controls and processes, as well as additional awareness training; however, they also resulted in disciplinary measures being taken such as formal verbal warnings, through formal written warnings, up to contract termination of the employees concerned.
No significant systemic compliance violations were identified.