Product responsibility


Responsibility as a manufacturer

The KION Group is aware of its responsibility as a manufacturer, and adheres rigorously to product and operational environmental regulations. A key task in this regard, and one which is also a constant challenge, is substituting chemical substances that may be harmful to humans or may have an adverse effect on the environment. In the past, the Company already initiated a range of activities aimed at replacing hazardous substances in the product process and sales products. Among them, in 2016 the KION Group committed itself to eliminating components that are manufactured using chromium VI. The structural conversion of the components, such as the modification of technical drawings and specifications, has since been largely completed. Now comes the process of technical conversion, whereby the occasional shortage of parts availability in the market represents a challenge. At the same time, by the end of 2018 the KION Group aims to increase transparency regarding which substances and mixtures it uses across the Group.

Safety and ergonomics

The safe, ergonomic operation of all KION Group products has always been a focus of KION’s product development activities, especially in the Industrial Trucks & Services segment. Operators are always the focus of these considerations, with all operating elements adapted to suit their requirements – with active and passive safety systems offering maximum safety and helping to prevent accident risks.

In 2017 the product responsibility action field was defined across the Group. Its overarching objective is clear: all products must comply with the laws and regulations in the respective countries. Work is currently underway to define appropriate KPIs, with Linde Material Handling’s activities from previous years serving as the model. As part of the product development process, all KION Group products are tested for their health and safety impacts in accordance with legal requirements.

In the reporting year the Company was not notified of any instances or significant fines owing to non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the supply and use of products and services, or their impact on health and safety.