[37] Financial risk reporting

Capital management

One of the prime objectives of capital management is to ensure liquidity at all times. Measures aimed at achieving these objectives include the optimisation of the capital structure, the reduction of liabilities and ongoing Group cash flow planning and management. The KION Group made further improvements to its funding structure and funding conditions during the reporting year by repaying two corporate bonds ahead of schedule in April 2014. The funds used for the repayment mainly originated from a revolving credit facility, which currently has far lower interest rates than the two corporate bonds. Against this background, the revolving credit facility was increased by €198.0 million to a total of €1,243.0 million in April 2014 on the basis of bilateral lending agreements with a group of banks (see note [29]).

Close cooperation between local units and the Group head office ensures that the local legal and regulatory requirements faced by foreign group companies are taken into account in capital management.

Net financial debt – defined as the difference between financial liabilities (excluding lease liabilities) and cash and cash equivalents – is the key performance measure used in liquidity planning at Group level (see note [29]) and amounted to €810.7 million at 31 December 2014 (31 December 2013: €979.3 million).

Credit risk

Liquidity risk

Default risk

Risks arising from financial services

Currency risk

Interest-rate risk