Report of the Supervisory Board of KION GROUP AG
Dear shareholders,

Dr John Feldmann
The developments of 2018 fully vindicated the basic assumptions and projected trends that underpin the KION 2027 strategy. In all key regions of our global business, demand for industrial trucks is expanding at around twice the rate of gross national product. The growth in demand is even stronger for the kind of integrated, connected and increasingly automated intralogistics systems that are being employed in the factories and warehouses of industry, retail and wholesale.
The KION Group, as a leading global supplier of supply chain solutions and the world’s second-largest manufacturer of industrial trucks, is playing an active role in shaping this trend. 2018 was another highly successful year for the Company.
As part of their general dialogue on strategy during the reporting period, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board endorsed the agreed KION 2027 strategy and discussed its ongoing implementation. Following the acquisition of Dematic, the Company is systematically building on the capabilities and solutions that will allow it to bring digitalisation, connectivity and automation to bear in intralogistics.
Personnel changes on the Supervisory Board
I would like to thank you, our shareholders, for placing your trust in me since 2013 and electing me as a member of the Supervisory Board of KION GROUP AG. I would also like to thank the members of the Supervisory Board for our constructive working relationship, which has focused on building a successful and sustainable company. And my special thanks go to the Executive Board members and the Company’s employees. Under the strategically shrewd and far-sighted leadership of the Chief Executive Officer Gordon Riske, who has been steering KION since 2007 with his clear view of what is necessary and possible, KION has evolved into a global leader within intralogistics. Today, KION GROUP AG is extremely well positioned within the global market with expertise, efficiency and a successful business model, and has a solid basis on which to not only meet the future challenges of the markets but also proactively shape them. This will of course require the Company to review its position in the market on an ongoing basis and to continually refine its business models, expertise and processes. Going forward, the task of the Supervisory Board will be to support this process, ensuring that it has the necessary capabilities to do so. I am confident that the Company can continue to justify the faith placed in it by its shareholders, and I wish the Supervisory Board, Executive Board and employees every success in shaping a lasting and successful future based on the Company’s core values: integrity, collaboration, courage and excellence.
The details of this report were discussed thoroughly at the Supervisory Board meeting on 27 February 2019 when it was adopted.
My colleagues on the Supervisory Board and I would like to thank the members of the Executive Board and the employees of KION GROUP AG and its Group companies in Germany and abroad for their commitment and outstanding achievements in 2018.
Dr John Feldmann