[3] Principles of consolidation
Acquisitions are accounted for using the acquisition method. In accordance with IFRS 3, the identifiable assets and the liabilities assumed on the acquisition date are recognized separately from goodwill, irrespective of the extent of any non-controlling interests. The identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed are measured at their fair value.
The amount recognized as goodwill is calculated as the amount by which the acquisition cost, the amount of non-controlling interests in the acquiree, and the fair value of all previously held equity interest at the acquisition date exceeds the fair value of the acquiree’s net assets. Any negative goodwill is recognized in profit or loss. KION GROUP AG recognizes non-controlling interests at the proportionate value of the net assets attributable to them excluding goodwill.
In the case of business combinations in stages, previously held equity interests are recognized at their fair value at the acquisition date. The difference between the carrying amount of the interests and the fair value is recognized in profit or loss.
For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units that are likely to benefit from the business combination.
Contingent consideration elements are included at fair value at the date of acquisition when determining the purchase consideration. Contingent consideration elements may consist of equity instruments or financial liabilities, depending on the structure.
On first-time consolidation of an acquisition, all identifiable assets and liabilities are recognized at their fair value at the acquisition date. The fair values of identifiable assets are determined using appropriate valuation techniques. These measurements are based, for example, on estimates of future cash flows, expected growth rates, exchange rates, discount rates, and useful lives.
The consolidated financial statements cover KION GROUP AG and all material subsidiaries. Intragroup balances, transactions, income and expenses, and gains and losses on intercompany transactions are eliminated in full. Deferred taxes are recognized on the resulting temporary differences.
Transactions with non-controlling interests are treated as transactions with the Group’s equity investors. Differences between the consideration paid for the acquisition of a non-controlling interest and the relevant proportion of the carrying amount of the subsidiary’s net assets are recognized in equity. Gains and losses arising from the disposal of interests are also recognized in equity, provided there is no change in control.
Associates and joint ventures that are of material importance to the presentation of the financial position and financial performance of the KION Group are accounted for using the equity method.