KION shares

Equity markets under pressure – KION shares fall sharply

The equity markets saw prices plummet in the first six months of 2022. This was predominantly due to the war in Ukraine, which caused prices to slide even further in February owing to the fundamental shift in the geopolitical situation. Moreover, the factors already weighing on the markets deteriorated markedly, including rising inflation and the substantial problems and disruptions in supply chains. The inflation rates reached during the reporting period prompted the central banks to abandon their expansionary monetary policy, thereby piling additional pressure on the equity markets. The DAX ended the first half of the year at 12,783.77 points, which equates to a loss of 19.5 percent. The MDAX dropped by 26.5 percent in the period ended June 30, 2022, closing at 25,823.45 points.

KION shares fell at an even sharper rate, declining by 59.0 percent to close at €39.59 on June 30, 2022. This was partly attributable to the tense geopolitical situation and the markets’ resulting concerns about a recession. The share price was also adversely affected by the KION Group’s withdrawal of its outlook on April 4 – combined with lower earnings expectations – and a changed risk situation with respect to procurement. At the end of June 2022, market capitalization stood at €5.2 billion, of which €2.8 billion was attributable to shares in free float.

Share price performance in the first half of 2022 compared with the DAX and MDAX

Share price performance in the first half of 2022 compared with the DAX and MDAX (line chart)