Level of orders
The value of the KION Group’s order intake increased by 13.1 percent to €6,654.8 million in the first half of 2022 (H1 2021: €5,881.7 million). This shows that momentum – despite the prevailing macroeconomic uncertainty – stayed strong in the second quarter as the megatrends affecting the sector remained intact. Due to the continued rise in material prices, list prices for sales were adjusted during the reporting period in order to reflect the current market situation, particularly that faced by KION ITS EMEA. The value of order intake rose significantly as a result. In the Industrial Trucks & Services segment, order intake grew by 20.0 percent overall compared with the prior-year period to reach €4,827.2 million (H1 2021: €4,021.1 million). Due to currency effects, order intake in the Supply Chain Solutions segment came to €1,865.2 million, which was roughly at the level of the prior-year period (H1 2021: €1,868.8 million). Orders from new customers in a range of industries helped to further diversify the customer portfolio in the order book.
Currency effects increased the value of the KION Group’s order intake by a total of €179.2 million.
The order book continued to swell in the second quarter and stood at €7,941.1 million as at June 30, 2022 (December 31, 2021: €6,658.5 million). The main factors in this increase were the high volume of new orders, the significantly longer delivery times for industrial trucks in the ITS segment, and delays to projects for supply chain systems in the SCS segment. As at June 30, 2022, around 1 percent of the order book was attributable to the subsidiaries located in Russia.