Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Overview of the notes

Basis of presentation

[1] General information on the Company

[2] Basis of preparation

[3] Principles of consolidation

[4] Basis of consolidation

[5] Acquisitions

[6] Currency translation

[7] Accounting policies


Notes to the consolidated income statement

[8] Revenue

[9] Cost of sales and other functional costs

[10] Other income

[11] Other expenses

[12] Share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investments

[13] Financial income

[14] Financial expenses

[15] Income taxes

[16] Earnings per share


Notes to the consolidated statement of financial position

[17] Goodwill and other intangible assets

[18] Leased assets

[19] Rental assets

[20] Other property, plant and equipment

[21] Equity-accounted investments

[22] Lease receivables

[23] Other financial assets

[24] Other assets

[25] Inventories

[26] Trade receivables

[27] Cash and cash equivalents

[28] Equity

[29] Retirement benefit obligation

[30] Financial liabilities

[31] Liabilities from financial services

[32] Lease liabilities

[33] Other provisions

[34] Contract balances

[35] Trade payables

[36] Other financial liabilities

[37] Other liabilities


Other disclosures

[38] Contingent liabilities and other financial commitments

[39] Consolidated statement of cash flows

[40] Information on financial instruments

[41] Financial risk reporting

[42] Hedge accounting

[43] Segment report

[44] Employees

[45] Related party disclosures

[46] Variable remuneration

[47] Remuneration of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board

[48] Members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board

[49] List of the shareholdings of KION GROUP AG, Frankfurt am Main

[50] Auditors' fees

[51] Events after the reporting date

[52] Information on preparation and approval