Business activities
KION GROUP AG is the strategic management holding company in the KION Group. KION GROUP AG holds all the shares in Dematic Holdings GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, and thus all the shares in the subsidiaries in the Supply Chain Solutions segment. Furthermore, KION GROUP AG is the sole shareholder of Linde Material Handling GmbH, Aschaffenburg, which holds almost all the shares of the companies in the Industrial Trucks & Services segment. KION GROUP AG collects liquidity surpluses of the Group companies in a cash pool and, where possible, covers subsidiaries’ funding requirements with intercompany loans. As a rule, the external financing of the Group’s activities is handled by KION GROUP AG. Managerial holding company functions and the performance, in return for a consideration, of other services are also part of KION GROUP AG’s remit.
The annual financial statements of KION GROUP AG are prepared in accordance with the provisions in the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). The management report is combined with the group management report. Pursuant to section 315e (1) HGB, the consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). Differences between the accounting policies in accordance with HGB and those in accordance with IFRSs arise primarily in connection with the accounting treatment of financial instruments, provisions, deferred taxes, and procurement leases.